Acceptance: A generous heart,kind speech & a life of service & compassion

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memoirs of ECCA: Like a Star on my way. . .

The training is over, now we are going back to our home again after 3 days stay in the new place.
Gains and loss, you count and it never seems to end. Anyways, my heart is smiling, I have found few jewels here and there in the form of ideas, in people.
I wish to miss them all whole of my life cause I want to feel the pain and bring some change.
Bhuju sir will inspire me a lot, he gave me one more reason to question our education system which not teaches us how to live but how to earn, so what’s the use?
And together we questioned ourselves as a responsible citizens ‘ is politics a dirty game or our concern’ and these days as it’s a game played by ‘foul players’ we need to nurture ourselves and reconfirm in our own selves that Politics is a poly-tricks need to be played with truth and skillful means. As B.P. Koirala says’ Before you become a politician, you need to abandon family and possessions. No extremity but a middle path of relativity I say. Thanks you Bhuju Sir:-)
And dear Anil Sir, I have been thinking, yes still thinking the difference between knowledge and skills. You inspired us to know because we just knew it and never asked why, so why now? Sir, you gave us reason to prosper our nation, durbar square was not built in a day:-)
And came our Shambhu Sir, I saw a compassionate and enthusiastic leader in him who gave a piece of his heart and mind to us.
And how come we forget all those fun games and dance which cooled us after the over heating of the day! Thank you Anal da, Anup da and Siddhi Sir.
And our Hada Sir, very soft spoken and spontaneous man, oops sorry to say but our brains were in the speed of tortoises after a long hot day and could catch up with his train of Logical approach framework!
Anyways the barbeque and camp fire brough us back on track yeah!
But you know I was little uphappy when my dear good friends left many of us behind and went into the jungle for night safari on their own, how mean! :-)
And came the final day, Pradhan sir with his open heart welcomed us in his land of technicalities but ( you will forgive us!) it was final day, we were homesick!
Never mind, and after all these came the final moment where we revealed our secret friend, you see secret friend is someone who takes care of you secretly( now how is that , so you have any idea!) and here I was in huge dilemma, why? Come on pal, everyone had taken so good care of me and been so good to me then how come I know that right? And to give me a big surprise Asmi was my secret! Oh so sorry Asmi, how could I not know your generosity to me in dinning hall and everywhere, I am so insensitive!
And do you know who was my jigari urf secret? Cant say so easily becaue I never had to take care of her as she was busy taking care of me and everyone. But lol! She just knew I was her jigari! So I say this for the third time to Sichu dear, it’s not fair my little angel:-)
So in the closing remarks, I just put little que on ‘doing by saying’ to one of my dear brothers, the one who taught us the percept of not- killing, did we really follow it thoroughly and did you? :-(
So with all these heart makes and heart aches ( all due to excitement, I swear) we came back home. I am applying the practical lesson in daily life stuffs as I wrote a concept letter for our CAPS ( Central Association of Psychology Student) learnt from Anil Sir, and am working out on approaches to gather resources to built a reservoir tank in our community for rain water harvesting as prevention for our coming days water scarcity and for our national VISIT NEPAL 2011. Lets say ‘ Water for All’.

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